Intravenous Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia Adult: In combination with chlorambucil in 6 28-day cycles: CYCLE 1: Day 1: 100 mg at 25 mg/hour over 4 hours; Day 2: 900 mg at 25-50 mg/hour, increased by 50 mg/hour every 30 minutes to a max rate of 400 mg/hour; Days 8 and 15: 1,000 mg at 50-100 mg/hour, increased by 50-100 mg/hour every 30 minutes to a max rate of 400 mg/hour. CYCLE 2-6: Day 1: 1,000 mg at 50-100 mg/hour, increased by 50-100 mg/hour every 30 minutes to a max rate of 400 mg/hour. In case of toxicity, modify dose according to...
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