Medicine Overview of Meoral 10ml 5%+1% oral_solution
Gingivitis, Pain or irritation of the mouth and throat, Apthous ulcer, Gum sore, Periodonitis
Adult Dose
Pain or irritation of the mouth and throat
Adult: Apply onto the affected oral mucosal area 3-4 times daily using a brush applicator.
Child Dose
Pain or irritation of the mouth and throat
Child: >12 yr: Apply onto the affected oral mucosal area 3-4 times daily using a brush applicator.
Hypersensitivity to any of the constituents.
Mode of Action
Anthraquinone glycosides reduce inflammation and salicylic acid is an analgesic. Given together, they are used for pain relief associated with recurrent mouth ulcers and denture irritation.
Each bottle of oral solution should be used by only one person.
Side Effect
A transient local burning sensation at the site of application occurs very commonly. Temporary discoloration of teeth or oral mucosa has been described commonly following administration of oral solution.
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The information provided herein is accurate, updated and complete as per the best practices of the Company. Please note that this information should not be treated as a replacement for physical medical consultation or advice. We do not guarantee the accuracy and the completeness of the information so provided. The absence of any information and/or warning to any drug shall not be considered and assumed as an implied assurance of the Company. We do not take any responsibility for the consequences arising out of the aforementioned information and strongly recommend you for a physical consultation in case of any queries or doubts.