The ICT for Kala-azar is a rapid diagnostic test used to detect antigens of Leishmania parasites in blood or serum samples, aiding in the diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis.
The ICT for Kala-azar test may carry a risk of false positives or false negatives, influenced by factors such as the stage of infection, endemicity of visceral leishmaniasis, and cross-reactivity with other related diseases, potentially leading to...
Results are typically reported as positive or negative based on the presence or absence of Leishmania antigens in the sample.
A positive result indicates the presence of Leishmania antigens, suggesting an active infection with visceral leishmaniasis. Negative results do not rule out visceral leishmaniasis, especially if the test is performed during periods of low parasit...
The ICT for Kala-azar test requires a small amount of blood obtained through venipuncture or fingerstick. Alternatively, serum samples can be used. The sample is applied to the test device, and results are interpreted visually within a few minutes...
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ICT For Kalazar
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We evaluated in the present study the diagnostic utility of an immunochromatographic test (ICT) for detection of anti- rK-39 antibodies for the non-invasive diagnosis of kala-azar
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